Cardiac Recorder is a simple, attractive, intuitive Blood Pressure and Heart rate recorder android app. This app keeps the records of the blood pressure(mmHg) and heart rate(bpm) measurements of a user.It alerts the user if his/her health condition is not good enough based on the data entered. It also helps the user to avoid entering meaningless data.
The app includes the following features:
- User can add new record.
- User can see his/her list of entered record.
- User can edit his/her existing record if wrong measurement is entered.
- User can delete any of his/her record.
- User will be alerted if his blood rate and/or heart rate is out of certain bound.
- User can't put irrelevant measurement like such a bp with is impossible for human.
User will fill the following six field to save a record:
- The date of measurement(presented in dd-mm-yyyy format).
- The time of measurement(presented in hh-mm format).
- Systolic Pressure in mmHg.
- Diastolic pressure in mmHg.
- Heart Rate in beats per minute(bpm).
- Comment(optional).
Work Distribution
Mock Up
UML Class diagram
Storyboard Sequence
App demonstration video links:
App demonstration
Unit Test
UI Test